Frequently Asked Questions2021-05-08T17:42:43+07:00

Frequently Asked Questions

What is Speech Pathology?

What is a Speech Pathologist?2021-04-28T23:33:52+07:00

Speech pathologists assess, diagnose and treat difficulties with communication focused on understanding, talking (vocabulary, sentences and grammar), speech sounds and fluency (stutter).

Speech pathologists will support children who are later to talk or speech sounds like a younger child.

Speech pathologists work with children who have developmental delays and learning difficulties.

Speech pathologists are also able to support children with eating difficulties.

Speech pathologists work in early intervention (supporting children before school entry) or within schools.

To become a speech pathologist you must obtain a university level qualification in Speech Pathology (in an undergraduate or masters program).

Members of Speech Pathology Australia must meet the Association’s standards in regards to continuing professional development in order to renew as a Certified Practising Speech Pathologist (CPSP).

What is the difference between a speech pathologist and a speech therapist?2021-04-28T23:34:50+07:00

Speech therapist (ST) and speech pathologist (SP) refer to the same profession.

There are many different titles that refer to a speech pathologist. In Australia, the term commonly used is speech pathologist (SP). Other recognised terms are speech language pathologist (SLP), speech and language therapist (SaLT) and speech therapist (ST). The title used is often country dependent.

What does a speech pathologist treat?2021-04-28T23:35:25+07:00

Speech pathologists are trained to diagnose and treat a broad range of communication difficulties.

There are many areas of communication that Speech Pathologists support including:

Receptive Language which refers to how your child understands directions, learns new concepts and responds to questions. This may also be referred to as auditory processing. Difficulties with receptive language may be linked with poor attention and listening skills.

Expressive Language which refers to how your child builds sentences, tells stories and engages in conversation using appropriate grammar and specific vocabulary.

Speech Sounds refers to how your child develops and makes the sounds within words using their tongue and lips (oral motor skills). Difficulties with speech sounds can affect your child’s intelligibility (how easy/hard their speech is to understand). Stuttering refers to the fluency of your child’s speech which may be disrupted by repetitions (e.g. b-b-bus) and lengthening of sounds. This may also be referred to as a stammer.

Voice refers to the quality of your child’s voice. You might be concerned if your child’s voice is too loud, swift, croaky or husky.

Social skills refers to how we apply our language skills in different situations and may include eye contact, turn taking, interpreting body language, humour and inference based on the context. This may also be referred to as pragmatics.

Literacy refers to the development of reading and writing skills. Literacy development is strongly linked with language skills (understanding what you are reading and writing) and phonological awareness (awareness of sounds within words).

Children who have difficulties with hearing (aided as a result of permanent loss or fluctuating hearing loss associated with middle ear pathology which may be treated with grommets) will often experience difficulty with speech and language.

Children may experience difficulties in one area or a combination of areas.

Children may experience early delays but with some additional support may catch up to the peers. Some children may experience ongoing difficulties. Children may have difficulties with communication associated with developmental delays or learning disabilities.

What is the correct terminology to describe speech and language difficulties?2021-04-28T23:35:54+07:00

There are many different terms used to describe difficulties with communication that are often used interchangeably and at times incorrectly. Speech and language are often used interchangeably but actually refer to different aspects of communication.

Terms like delay or late talker are often used to describe an early difficulty that we expect to resolve with initial support. Terms like impediment, impairment, difficulty or disorder may suggest a persistent difficulty.

Often it is easier, and especially when working in an international environment where there is mixed terminology as a result of various backgrounds, it is better to focus on a description of the functional impact of your concerns for you child (e.g. they have difficulties answering questions, they can’t seem to find the right words, I can’t understand what they say or they have trouble making the “s” sound).

Your speech pathologist will support you if a specific diagnosis is appropriate and necessary for your child to access appropriate supports. This may include specific diagnosis of Developmental Language Disorder (DLD) or Childhood Apraxia of Speech (CAS).

Our Service

What countries do you currently service?2021-04-28T23:41:35+07:00

Australian Therapy Services Asia currently provides services to Thailand, Indonesia, Malaysia, Vietnam, Myanmar and Australia.

It doesn’t matter where you are, we can be your local service provider.


Is telehealth just as effective as in-person service?2021-04-28T23:43:06+07:00

We believe that it is. There is a growing body of positive evidence documenting the feasibility, validity, and reliability of delivering speech pathology services via telehealth. The research shows that many telehealth clients report high levels of satisfaction with the service as this they find the results positive.

There are added benefits for clients as they don’t have to travel in traffic and for children, receiving therapy in the recognised space of home and school can be beneficial.

We would be happy to help provide you with a list of academic articles of interest on this topic.

What is the difference between your platform and zoom?2021-04-28T23:43:33+07:00

Our platform has been designed specifically for online therapists and has more features to make therapy more interactive than Zoom. We also use our platform to securely communicate with parents and teachers.

What technology requirements do I need?2021-04-28T23:44:01+07:00

All you need is a computer or tablet. Our platform runs 100% in the browser and no software is needed to be installed.

The platform dynamically adjusts based on the strength of your Internet connection. The faster and more stable the connection the better the video quality will be.

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